Thursday, December 27, 2007

Gambling in Illinois -update

Regarding a previous entry on a gambling expansion bill in IL, and two emails I sent to my state reps on 12/18:

State Senator Cronin has a website that says to contact him at:

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed.

Apparently it did not go through... I just resent it again to see if the Caps matter? Strange that one would not want to be in constant contact with one's constituents?

This was Sandy Pihos' reply:

Thank you for your E mail. I am opposed to the expansive gambling proposal currently being negotiated. I appreciate your opinion, and it will be taken into consideration when the issue is presented in the House. Moving into the future, I do not know what will actually be proposed. I hope that we are able to find a reasonable solution that will not bring on its own set of social issues.

I wish you a very Happy Holiday.

Sandy Pihos

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