Saturday, December 15, 2007

Reject Retroactive Amnesty for Telecoms in S. 2248, the FISA Amendments Act

Email from the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) to send to our Senators... this showdown will happen on Monday. Form letter email to Obama & Durbin:

I urge you to vote against retroactive amnesty for telecommunications companies in S. 2248, the FISA Amendments Act.

I urge you to support Senator Dodd and others by allowing them to have a full debate on this issue. On Monday, vote "no" for cloture on the motion to proceed to the FISA bill.

I also urge you to support Senator Leahy, Senator Dodd, and others in an amendment to strip retroactive amnesty from the bill. Legislation updating and amending FISA should not include amnesty for telecoms. Companies involved in the NSA's spying have broken the law, and they should be held accountable.

Lawsuits against the telecommunications companies may be the only way for the victims of illegal spying to see justice for the infringement of their constitutional rights. The telecoms are the first line of defense against governmental abuse -- if Congress sends the message that they are not liable for breaking privacy laws, then their interest in protecting customers' privacy may diminish. Finally, the court is entirely capable of protecting legitimate state secrets, while ensuring that the Americans' whose rights have been violated see justice.

Please vote to preserve the rule of law and Americans' privacy rights. Reject any legislative efforts to give lawbreaking telecoms amnesty.


Winghunter said...

Dodd and Leahy are two of the most disloyal fucks we have in Congress.

So, what does that make you??

AM said...

Thank you for being proactive and posting this! I support this issue and have sent a few letters myself against the retroactive amnesty.

Collectively, we will make a difference.