Thursday, December 13, 2007

An Unusual request

Yesterday I received a mass email from Paul Tewes, Obama's campaign manager in Iowa.

Here's the challenge...

Our ground operation is in full swing, and we're well on our way to recruiting Precinct Captains in all of Iowa's 1,781 precincts.

Each Precinct Captain is a volunteer who has taken on a serious responsibility in their local community. They are the backbone of our campaign in Iowa. Barack could not do this without them. Our success depends on the motivation and dedication of these everyday people. They have their own families, their own jobs, and all the other responsibilities of their lives, but they have volunteered to take on this important role in our campaign because, like you, they believe in Barack Obama.

Please take the time to share with them a word of encouragement. Share with them the common bond that binds us -- belief in each other, belief in this campaign, and belief in this country. .....

I've never heard of anything like this before, but I think its significant in the fact that Obama's team knows how important grass roots efforts are -even in states that have "regular" primaries. I certainly thought it was timely for me for two reasons: (1) I have been in the letter-writing mode for AI lately and (2) I've been dipping my toe into local polictics lately. Anyway he asked for Obama supporters to send their support by email or letter to the Precinct Captains and Volunteers on the Obama campaign for the Iowa Caucauses (Cauc-i ?). I think that is a great idea becuase I know how it is to get involved in something and then feel your follow-up spirit start to lag- right when its needed the most. Plus I went to school at the Univ of Iowa and I remember attending my one and only caucus way back in 1988 -when I voted for ANOTHER great senator from IL, Paul Simon who obviously did not win the nomination that year unfortunately ( Dukakis! ;~(

Here's my letter I sent to 10 addresses to 10 towns in Iowa. $4.10 well spent. Its not that one (partially-form) letter from me will make that much difference, but again as with AI, I think the effect will be a mass effect of receiving bunches of letters from all over the country reminding them obviously about how important IOWA is and what their critical work means for the rest of the country. I certainly would be motivated by that!! :

Dear Volunteer,

I greatly appreciate the hard work that you’ve been doing on behalf of Barack Obama. I used to live in Iowa, and I know that there’s no place that’s more important in this election. You are standing up and reaching out. Your commitment to organize your peers in your community leading up to the caucus could not be more important. I am so hopeful that we’re going to win this election, and it’s going to be as a direct result of the work that you are doing.

I live in ___ ___, IL. It is a republican town and there are not even ANY elected local democrats in the whole of DuPage County (the most populous suburb county of Chicago!). I was recently contacted by a group to become a Democratic precinct committee-person. So now I have to find 10 names to write me in on the ballot! I have no idea what to expect and no experience in local politics, but I hope this will be an interesting experience for me. Given the importance of the Iowa caucuses I’m sure you too are having an interesting experience meeting and talking to people in your community. I did participate in the Iowa caucus once back in 1988. I was a senior then at the University of Iowa in Iowa City (and voted for Paul Simon- another IL senator!).

One reason I am getting involved now is because I believe that THINGS HAVE GOT TO CHANGE- and for the better –not the same old same old that we had 8 years ago. I hope you feel the same way. I am very proud that Senator Obama represents my state and I hope he will become our President in January 2009. I am convinced that Barack Obama is the single person in this race who can bring the change we need. We want to see America’s stature in the world restored. We want health care for all Americans, and we want an economy that is fair to the middle classes.I know these things are possible.

..... . I can’t thank you enough for the work that you are doing on behalf of this campaign and on behalf of our country. Please know that there are millions of us out here, all across the country, supporting you every step of the way. We are grateful!

With best regards,

L____ _. Z____

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