Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Predictions for 2008- The Watergate of our times

I agree whole-heartedly with this (Brent Budowsky, The Hill's Pundits Blog).... particularly all the negative collateral damage caused by the act of torture and covering it up, not the least of which is a greater threat of retaliation against our own soldiers...

" I predict there will soon be new stories about more torture tapes that were destroyed and new stories about more high-level officials that were either tainted or corrupted by this scandal, and others who opposed this travesty who will ultimately testify about who they approached to attempt to prevent it.

..., this scandal above all will be the Watergate of our times because it involves extremely probable crimes of torture, extremely probable obstructions of justice, and a steady stream of revelations that will only escalate until the inevitable special prosecutor is named.
Congress should, and I predict ultimately will, take the decisive action of seeking evidence, and if necessary file the great contempt case of the Bush years that will be defined clearly and specifically as follows:

Can executive privilege be claimed to hide acts that would be violations of criminal law?
I predict the answer of this Supreme Court, and any Supreme Court, will be unequivocally “no.”

What follows is the column I wrote in The Hill newspaper published on Tuesday, Dec. 18 before this new information came to light, and before new revelations about more destruction of more torture tapes that I predict are coming soon"

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