Monday, December 10, 2007

CIA torture evidence update

Ugh- politics as usual... I wish I had a crystal ball to find out what's going to happen about this..., if anything.

C & I watched "Casablanca" on Saturday night... watching this it just made me think... oh they're "rounding up the usual suspects"/ talking heads. Who can actually do anything?

The NYT's article today states re the CIA agent that destroyed the video:

Mr. Rodriguez’s role in the destruction of hundreds of hours of videotape of harsh interrogations of two operatives of Al Qaeda is at the center of an inquiry by Mr. Reyes’s committee on Capitol Hill. With a separate Justice Department inquiry that could lead to a full criminal investigation into the matter, the man who spent a career in the shadows has been thrust uneasily into the spotlight.
Mr. Rodriguez is hardly the only current or former agency official under scrutiny. In the months ahead, investigators will try to reconstruct the chain of events leading up to the decision in November 2005 to destroy the interrogation tapes, and to determine who else inside the agency may have approved the decision.
According to a former top intelligence official who has spoken to Mr. Rodriguez in recent days, Mr. Rodriguez remains confident that he acted lawfully and had the authority to destroy the tapes. He could not be reached for comment.

I hope there will be some justice coming from the Justice dept. Also CCR is worried that more evidence will be destroyed, which would hamper their defense cases.

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