I would also like to voice my concern to you Senator Cronin about the proposed gambling bill in the Legislature. I hope that this does not pass. I am opposed to increased gambling in our state! I hope that you do not vote for this. Please advise me on your position and how you plan to vote.
Thank you!
L.___ _ Z.____
From: __
To: community@sandrapihos.com; aide-district@sandrapihos.com
Subject: FW: More Gambling = A Losing Hand
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 21:48:11 -0600
Hello Rep. Pihos:
Just wanted to let you know that I am very much opposed to increased gambling in Illinois... I hope that you will not vote for this.
Thanks- and Happy Holidays to you!
Best Regards,
L___ _ Z.______
(To: a bunch of local friends and people from church who I don't think would be for this either)
Subject: FW: More Gambling = A Losing Hand
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 16:34:42 -0600
Hi All:
FYI below:
If you are so moved, please contact your state representatives to share your opinion about this pending Gambling Bill in the IL Legislature:
If you're not sure who your state reps are, go here:
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 19:45:20 +0000
From: stephen.taylor@LSSI.org
To: (me)
Subject: More Gambling = A Losing Hand
Dear L._____ __ Z._____,
From time to time Lutheran Advocacy—Illinois passes on to our members an advocacy alert generated by one of the many organizations that we work with on public policy issues. A recent advocacy alert from our friends at Voices for Illinois Children articulates the position of Lutheran Advocacy—Illinois with regard to the gambling debate now going on in Springfield.
Daniel Schwick
Director, Lutheran Advocacy--Illinois
1001 E. Touhy Ave. #50
Des Plaines, IL 60018
fax: 847-635-6764
No matter how many times or different ways the cards are dealt, casino-expansion proposals amount to a bad bet for Illinois families and communities.
The latest proposal not only calls for two new casinos, it would allow existing casinos to add gaming positions and horse tracks to install slot machines. New gambling revenues would help to fund a variety of state construction and repair projects -- from schools to roads and bridges.
Those worthy, bricks-and-mortar causes are unquestionably in need of funding. But dramatically expanding gambling is among the worst ways to raise the money needed. State-sponsored gambling remains a back-door tax that disproportionately hits low-income families, according to research. In fact:
The social ills associated with problem gambling range from suicide, divorce and homelessness to personal bankruptcy, domestic violence and child abuse and neglect.
85 percent of a casino's customers live within 50 miles -- they're not primarily out-of-state tourists, as gambling proponents often insist.
Such findings are detailed in Voices' 2004 report Beware the Quick Fix.
There are far fairer, more adequate, sustainable and straightforward ways to produce new state revenues -- including raising the state income tax, which is based on households' ability to pay. Coupling this with an increase in the Illinois Earned Income Tax Credit would protect working-poor families from paying more than their already unfairly large share of taxes. And raising the tax's personal exemption would add an extra layer of tax fairness, particularly for low- and middle-income families.
These and other ideas can be found in Voices' report Generating New Revenue, Improving Tax Fairness.
Tell your legislator that casino-expansion proposals are a bad bet for Illinois.
Click to find out who your legislator is and to tell them that the gambling threatens to harm Illinois families, particularly low-income households.
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