Friday, December 7, 2007

1 Letter and and 2 Emails

Letter to US States Attorney in DuPage, Joe Birkett, regarding my earlier post about Jeff Zurawski. I will post it later after a couple of days.

Email to Durbin and Obama regarding evidence destruction by the CIA and lack of Dem cajones... who is minding the store?, etc. Here's what I sent:

Dear Senator Durbin :

I appeal to your leadership in Congress. Harmon and Rockefeller should absolutely be admonished to THE FULLEST DEGREE POSSIBLE for NOT blowing the whistle on the CIA destruction of video evidence on interrogations that were required for real justice in terrorism trials AND by the 9/11 commission.

This morning I was absolutely flummoxed by this ineptitude and the feeling that absolutely no Dems are "minding the store" let alone fighting to maintain the civil rights AND human rights previous generations of Americans have fought and died for. Thank God ( really I am saying a prayer right now - Thank God) that this afternoon I found out that Senator Whitehouse is on the case!! He deserves our deepest gratitude. If I was his consituent in RI, I would send him a donation right now!!

Please Senator Durbin - I feel that every day that Bush Co is in office there is an increasing chance that our democracy will not survive until Jan '09. Do everything you can!!!!!!!!!!!! I received the email from Friends of Dick Durbin and I support you, and I love my dog - -and I certainly don't mean to be disrespectful BUT - - I could really care less about successes with "pet food safety" at the moment our democracy is crashing down around us. Bush needs to go. He really does think he is king. Unbelieveable!

I also sent a similar email to Obama, in addition suggesting that Senator Whitehouse, by this action alone, should be at the top of his VP list because he is showing the kind of leadership we need NOW in Washington

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