Thursday, December 6, 2007

"....Peacably to Assemble"

Lots to update today...

first, Tuesday I did go to the O:TDB meeting at Shannon's. The whole back room was filled. People from all over DuPage, not just GE. There were 2 speakers wanting to run for the DuPage County Democratic Leadership: Bob Peickert and Michelle Barton.

AND I signed in to be a write-in for precinct captain, which was officially stamped by a notary. There is a meeting Jan 8th to go over the details of how to contact Dems in my area, and hand out the postcards etc. This should be interesting!!

Besides Amy, I only had time and the nerve to talk with an older lady who was sitting next to me. She's from Darien. It turns out that she's the Mom of the guy who was arrested for a war protest over the I-355 prairie path bridge in Glen Ellyn! (Steve Zurawski)

I've been following this story since May. She said that he has been receiving help from a pro-bono lawyer but that he's becoming even more active because of this witch hunt and clamp-down on free speech in our county (and country!). Read more here. See more here !

I'm going to write a letter to Joe Birkett. This is so wrong and its happening right in my own backyard. This "Amnesty" letter won't have to travel as far as the other ones!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what's happened or what's going on with Steve Zurawski? I haven't seen anything about him since the last protest at the courthouse