Monday, January 7, 2008

Misc Monday links & Op-Ed's

George McGovern op-ed in WaPo calling for impeachment.

Stewart & Colbert are coming back tonight! Yeah!!

This Op-Ed by Dennis Jett was in Sunday's Tribune Perspective section. It says everything I want to say about what's happening:

Why is it that those who proclaim their patriotism the loudest often demonstrate the least understanding of what this country stands for? Or to put it more accurately, what this country should stand for.

Many people who normally urge a limited role for government somehow expect from it absolute security in an uncertain world. They see no reason for government to protect others from hunger or ill health while conferring on it unlimited powers to protect them from any foreign threat, real or imagined. These patriots claim they support our troops, but they think there is no price too high for our soldiers to pay so that they may enjoy a greater sense of safety.They also assume that the actions they propose will produce only the desired results and never have unintended consequences.

We must ask ourselves: If we are not unequivocally against torture, then what do we stand for?The State Department each year does a human-rights report card on every other nation in the world. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice often asserts with a straight face that the Bush administration lives up to its commitments and bases its foreign policy on our values. She also has explained why: "When we respect our international legal obligations and support an international system based on the rule of law, we do the work of making the world a better place, but also a safer and more secure place for America."

That, in the end, is the best way to protect America: to live up to our rhetoric and our values.


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