Wednesday, January 9, 2008

DuPage democrats

So last night at the O:TDB meeting I officially got my marching orders to start the process of becoming a Democratic Precinct CommitteMAN for #44 in DuPage County. A "PC" ! ;~)

I've got a bunch of postcards to hand out with my name on them, an address list and they'll be sending out more materials later.

These are the people I need to learn about so I can inform the precinct:
6th Congressional District:

County Board, District #4

Also there is an A. Ghani running for Cronin's state senator seat in 21st Legis Dist- but I can't find a website yet.

This is what a precinct committeman does:

Precinct Committeeman

The grass roots and foundation of the political parties are its precinct committeemen. They serve as the foot soldiers to the most fundamental political unit of government, the precinct. The precinct committeeman helps shape party policy and participates in the selection process of candidates. A precinct committeeman is elected to a two-year term in the even-year primary elections.

Expectations of a precinct committeeman:

Represent the party's voters at the county central committee convention to elect the county central chairman and its officers. The precinct committeeman casts a total number of party votes, (weighted vote), as cast in the precinct at the recent primary election

Attend and become involved in the party's Township meetings

Become a voter registrar and register all qualified constituents

Appoint and fill vacancies of election judges for the precinct polling place

Provide candidate and election information to the voters

Circulate petitions for candidates prior to the primary election

Become familiar with the elected officials and legislatures so the concerns of the voters can be passed on to them

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great. Congratulations and good luck. We need your help to win in DuPage County.

Robert "Bob" Brandt
Candidate for DuPage County Board - District 3