Thursday, January 31, 2008

Debt and Sacrifice

I just went through some expenses and a review of personal spending yesterday.I decided I'm going to save my refund for J's college fund, and start cutting back, make sure I have enough saved to give to my charities at the end of the year.... . Unpatriotic?, so be it.

sacrifice now or sacrifice later... (dailyKos by zic)-regarding the " tax rebate "
I agree. I want to yell : "America: Take Head Out of Sand"

Our federal government does know how to ask us to sacrifice, it just refuses to ask. Because if they don't ask, if they pretend it's not needed, If they don't disturb us too much, of the young just sit still a few days longer, they can take a little bit more to fill their emptiness. They can buy our complicity a few more days while they try and steal a bit more of the future away from our children.

If the rest of us are gonna get back some money -- it's a rebate, we've got it coming to us -- to spend now, and you know what? it's another part of the national debt that those young Americans are being asked to pay down the road. But just mabye it will jump the economy enough so that our theft of their future won't be noticed for a few more days.

Back when I was young ( early '20's) there used to be a political organization called Lead or Leave, lobbying for the middle-agers and old folks not to screw us over with the debt. This was in the pre-internet days so that fact that I even found out about it once to go to a meeting in San Diego was something. Well, the chickens are coming home to roost. I hope the Republican Gen-Xers receive the inheritance they were expecting from their wealthy parents. Now we all can pay for their free drugs and free rides on Metra too. Young people need to VOTE, there is no other way to get this balanced out. The politicians will give the benefits to the generation that votes in the largest numbers. That said, I'm not young anymore but that doesn't mean I'm not looking out for my daughter! I just wish more of the older generation had done the same for us. Debt clock link. Now the debt/GDP is at least 10% higher than it was in the early 90's, even though the economy has obviously grown over that time. Can't afford it.

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