Thursday, January 24, 2008

Climate Change

Found this thru GristMill

James Hansen is the same Professor who was on 60 minutes (video link) this past Sunday

stating that the Bush Administration was trying to make his research conclusions about global climate change sound less dire than he thinks they are.

Its a very persuasive letter, scientist to scientist. I didn't know Germany's Chancellor Merkel was a scientist. Very Cool. Anyway its a good letter. We need leadership to solve this problem. Its kind of sad when many of our nation's top leaders don't listen to our nation's top scientists about something so important. So we need to ask other world leaders to step up to the plate. Aargh.
This is WHY there should be a presidential Science Debate.

Speaking of which, this is a very cool show on the Science Channel, Invention Nation. Check it out! I was looking for link to a picture of this wind turbine they showed and I found one... I don't see why this wouldn't work!? Must investigate.

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