Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Marv Reznik -Rest in Peace

In the Tribune today, an obituary of an acquaintance I met while working at Gift of Hope. Marv was an organ donation advocate who spoke eloquently at many public events GOH hosted and also at in-services I held for nurses and doctors to encourage them to be thinking of donation as an opportunity for helping families to deal with the loss of a loved one. He was the only person I had met who was both a donor family member (his son died in a car accident) AND a recipient of a organ as well. He was a really great guy. Very funny - a wonderful sense of humor. Of course I don't meet that many funeral directors (thank goodness) - but up until that point I had never expected to meet a funeral director with such a great sense of humor. I guess you could say he had a zest for life and it was infectious.

He will be missed tremendously by the local organ donation advocacy/community.

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