Thursday, March 6, 2008

Letter to Senator Durbin -Rule of Law?

Dear Senator Durbin:

In light of our recent correspondence regarding the Mukasey nomination and his subsequent legal support of President Bush's unconsitutional policies....Here's an interesting editorial I whole-heartedly agree with:,0,4839406.story

I don't know what you can do, but you must do something. We need to have rule of law, not a king who can have his minions tell us what the law is or is not.

"Check and Balance" the Executive branch!!! Tell your Democratic colleagues not to capitulate. Somebody needs to call them out and call "a spade a spade". Ask him to explain this paradox. Is there ANY situation in which he would find any hypothetical crime the President committed worthy of the Justice Dept's investigation --if the President's lawyers told him it was legal?

Speaking of rule of law back in Illinois... did you see this in the Trib?,0,739400.story
Do you know this warden Mary Sigler, or Roger Walker the person who runs IDOC. It appears that this tragic woman and perhaps many others are being illegally submitted to "cruel and unusual" punishment -- by that I mean, repeatedly gang-raped and impregnated (!) by state officers. Can you do anything about this??


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