Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter Blues

Ditto - I've been feeling this way lately to0

"Skepticism is a stimulant, not to be repressed. It is an antidote to smugness and the great glow of satisfaction one gains from being right. You know the self-righteous -- I've been one myself -- the little extra topspin they put on the truth, their ostentatious modesty, the pleasure they take in being beautifully modulated and cool and correct when others are falling apart. Jesus was rougher on those people than He was on the adulterers and prostitutes.

So I will sit in the doubter's chair for a while and see what is to be learned back there. "

Unlike Garrison Keillor, I'm not a bass though...alto. Sometimes its the music that keeps me connected when nothing else is getting through the "skepticism/the world-is-going-to-hell-in -a-handbasket" filter...

Even though its STILL grey and cold, I was really cheered up by The Speech today though. Hopefully my prayers will be answered in November....

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