Last night at a social function a friend of mine was soliciting ideas from me (about how to change a problem I had brought to his attention) and I made a comment to him that I'm an "Instigator" not a "follow-upper" ! .... and I've been thinking about this obviously more and more even before I decided to start up this blog. And he was very kind and said "that's one of your special gifts". So I made an effort to accept this compliment graciously.
And then today, lo and behold, an opportunity is presented to me today by someone who is looking for help in changing the overwhelmingly lopsided voting characteristics and local government representation of my county, town, township, and precinct by asking me to apply to be a Democratic Precinct committeeman. I've been on the email listserv for a while but haven't been active at all really "locally". So we had a long conversation and there is a lot to consider, but I'm thinking about it- believe it or not! It certainly would be a good way to meet more people in my neighboorhood. Amy was really passionate about her community organizing and its kind of infectious. I think it would do me a world of good to know that I'm not the only Democrat on my block! ( not that I've never voted Republican, but just not very often). I've got to weigh this against whatever time is involved and just how comfortable I'd be sticking my neck out. I don't ususally do that but I think I may be growing into it, and now fate is giving me a big 'ol push. Yikes!
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