Monday, November 12, 2007

"Fierce Urgency of Now"

Obama Rocks! (~ 20 minutes)

Although I've had these for several months I've been reluctant ( !!) to put them up yet, thinking "oh maybe its too early", or "what will the neighbors think?" The Obama '08 poster
is now officially in my bedroom window so that everyone driving down L street can see it. I will put on the bumper sticker too today. I've never had a political bumper sticker on my car for the last 20 years that I've had the privledge of voting. I guess its about time... on the other hand I don't know how much difference it will make, but I guess the point of it is to share your opinion and hopefully build a critical mass of people who are still undecided. I feel like I need to pat myself on the back for "stepping outside" of my comfort zone box... It probably comes naturally to people who have been downtown activists all of their lives and I shouldn't feel like that, but I do. They don't live in a leafy-tree lined republican suburb and I do.
I do have to say I have a major beef with Obama and that is that neither he, nor any of the other Senate democrats running for president, bothered to show up to vote against or block the nomination of Mukasey for Attorney General last week. They should have done a filibuster. I think standing for anti-torture is important enough to fly back from Iowa to DC for! The Dems really caved and its shameful! On Friday, I telephoned both Senator Durbin's office in DC and Senator Obama's office in Chicago to voice my extreme displeasure and to encourage them to fight harder.

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