Monday, November 12, 2007

new start

I just realized I need to start keeping track again of some things happening in my life. Normal things and weird things I think I will like to read back on a few years from now to remember what I was doing and thinking. I spend way too much time on the computer. But I'm becoming more activist in my readings and opinions and I think this will be a good place to keep track of my thoughts for myself.

Today was one of those times I described to CS yesterday as when the "rubber meets the road". I went to J's middle school with my neighbor RB & his daughter to talk to the principal about how they are going to implement the "Silent Reflection and Student Prayer Act" that stealthily passed the IL State Legislature in October.
J and I had already talked about this when the news first came out but nothing was announced at school so I was hoping the school board would just "do nothing" until after the dust had settled with other lawsuits or school districts deciding not to do it.
I was worrying/pre-occupied about it most of the day yesterday after RB brought it to my attention that the school was going to start it today.
So after much encouragement from Bob we went in talked to Dr. D and he was really cool about it and agreed to speak with the 1st period teacher that the girls could stand out in the hall during the stupid "10 seconds" before the pledge starts. I just left a voicemail to follow up with my state Rep Sandra Pihos. The Evanston school district is not doing this. Its so stupid its not enforceable.

To do: Now I need to call the school district and talk to the Superintendent.

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